End Of Season Fruit Trees

By Richard Flowers, ACCNP-Green Thumb Nursery-Ventura

Green Thumb carries a wide variety of fruits that includes citrus, avocado, and tropical fruits but for today I want to focus on fruits that will soon go dormant or lose all their leaves during the winter time. If you have missed the prime planting seasons (Winter to Late Spring or Early Summer) for Apples, Pears, Peaches, Nectarines, Figs, Pomegranates, Persimmons, and Plums then I have news for you, we still have an average selection for you to choose from, even though it may be a little late and its not the ideal time but it’s still acceptable to plant. If you want to plant a crisp Apple or a mouth watering Plum, how about a delicious Peach or a nutritious Pomegranate or Fig then I advise get them now while supplies last.

These fruits and more are waiting to go to a good home inside your garden. Nothing beats the flavor and accomplishment of growing homegrown fruit in your own landscape. With the last quarter of the year in full swig, fruit trees such as the ones listed previously are starting to get tired and preparing themselves for going dormant. The growing season is over, the approaching autumn and winter seasons are right around the corner and some people like to get a jump start on planting fruit trees before they actually lose their leaves. There are people that prefer to plant the fruit trees from containers instead of bare root plantings (which is January and February) so the option is here for you, however it is highly recommended to wait until they have lost all their leaves before you plant them. Those of you who would like to get an early start on your orchard it may be worthwhile for you to check them out. The fruit trees may not look the greatest during this time of year, but for those of you who know will understand it’s all right because give them a few years and they will be growing beautifully and produce abundant home grown fruit.

Keep in mind when selecting your favorite fruit tree, a whole lot may not be available. The fruit trees will appear more “unattractive” and “rough looking”, this is normal because they are getting ready to go dormant meaning, that Plum will loose all its leaves and be nothing but sticks later on in the winter. I know people that would rather buy that Peach because they know that oftentimes it is more established and have bigger roots as compared to earlier in the season and they feel they can be more confident doing it this way because it is farther along but that is not always the case.

The majority of our fruit trees that we carry are well suited to our climate especially Apples which are extremely adaptable, but it is advised to ask if you have any specific questions about fruit trees before you plant. With our mild climate, potted trees can be planted almost any time of the year but other preferred times are better to plant than now. When you wait to plant them until all the leaves have fallen from the trees it is then a better time to plant them because during this time the weather is getting cooler, the soil is still warm which means you may get some root growth, and by spring your trees should be more established which means you may have a slight head-start. So don’t hesitate and stop by your favorite Green Thumb Nursery and check out what we have to offer for end of season fruit trees. You may want an early season Peach, or a mid season Plum or what about the fruits that produce later in the year like Persimmons, Figs, and Pomegranates. Apricots, white Peaches, yellow Peaches, crisp Apples, and Pluots all are waiting for your to plant. You can be one of the first to get an early start planting your home orchard before the next season begins and you will be rewarded with fresh homegrown harvest in just a few quick years.

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