General Beneficial Nematodes
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Nematodes (HB)
- 10 Million nematodes, Garden Size: will treat up to 3,200 sq.ft.
- 50 Million nematodes will treat up to 1/2 acre.
- 100 million nematodes will treat up to an acre.
Target Pests: Weevils, Beetle grubs, Japanese beetle, Masked chaffers, May/June beetles, Black vine weevil, various white grubs, Banana weevil, Bill bug, Colorado Potato beetle, Cucumber beetle, Sweetpotato weevil, Asparagus beetle, Carrot weevil, Banana moth, Citrus root weevil group, Sugarcane stalk borer, Various tree and vine borers, Bagworms, Flea beetle, Flea, and all types of grubs.
NATURE’S BEST WAY OF KILLING Grubs and Japanese Beetles.
Though they are harmless to humans, animals, plants, and healthy earthworms, beneficial nematodes aggressively pursue insects. The beneficial nematodes can be used to control a broad range of soil inhabiting insects and above ground insects in their soil inhabiting stage of life. More than 200 species of pest insects from 100 insect families are susceptible to these nematodes. When they sense the temperature and carbon dioxide emissions of soil-borne insects, beneficial nematodes move toward their prey and enter the pest through its body openings. The nematodes carry an associated bacterium (Xenorhabdus species) that kills insects fast within 48 hours. The bacteria is harmless to humans and other organisms and cannot live freely in nature. Several generations of nematodes may live and breed within the dead insect, feeding on it as a food source. When the food source is gone, they migrate into the soil in search of a new host. When the pest population is eliminated, the beneficial nematodes die off and biodegrade. Beneficial nematodes are so effective, they can work in the soil to kill the immature stages of garden pests before they become adults
Nematode Application: For 50 Mil. and larger quantity. Nematodes packaged in an inert powder carrying material that dissolves in water. Applied one teaspoon of the beneficial nematodes per gallon of water. Application in using a watering can, backpack sprayers, pump sprayers, irrigation systems, hose-end sprayer, or motorized sprayer. After mixing the nematodes with water, use the spray solution immediately. Evenly spray the solution over the ground areas to be treated. Continuous mixing should take place in order to prevent the nematodes from sinking to the bottom of the container. Keep the soil slightly moist during the first 7 days after application to help establish the nematodes in the soil. Sprinkle the turf or soil again with water after the application of the nematodes. Apply nematodes as soon as possible for best product performance. You may keep the package of nematodes in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks upon receiving the product.
Nematode Application: For 10 Mil. Nematodes packaged on a sponge. Place the entire sponge in a bucket add two quarts of water, squeeze sponge for a few minutes to get the nematodes out of the sponge. Discard the sponge and pour the bucket of water into a sprayer or watering can. Add another gallon of water to dilute the nematodes and to make up the volume for your sprayer. The 10 Mil. Nematodes can only be kept for up to 3 days in refrigeration.
Live insects are guaranteed live delivery! (If shipping outside of California, it may take up to 4-6 business days to arrive)